Easy Homemade Bird Feeders for Kids to make
Making homemade bird feeders is an easy way to get kids outdoors and interested in nature around them. Homemade Bird feeders are an easy nature activity for kids to make in the garden and a perfect way for kids to get involved in RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. It’s much more exciting for kids if they see birds (and often squirrels in our case) nibbling away at something they’ve made themselves and kids love to help the birds in winter which makes it a perfect outdoor winter activity for kids although you can make a birdfeeder in any time of year. You can build handmade bird feeders out of any old household items or things you have lying around in the kitchen. Here’s our favourite ways to make a handmade bird feeder.
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How to make an easy bird feeder at home
DIY Cookie Cutter Garden Birdfeeder
This is an easy winter birdfeeder to make and kids will love it because you can make them into cute shapes and hang them in the trees! If you’re not keen on making a bird feeder with gelatin, you can buy vegan gelatin which will work just as well to make a bird feeder without gelatin.
How to make an egg box bird feeder
Bird feeders are really easy to make from egg boxes too, the homemade bird feeder recipe to put in the egg boxes is to mix bird seed with suet and raisins as dried fruits like raisins, sultanas and currants are particularly enjoyed by blackbirds, thrushes and robins. Suet is attractive to woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees, jays, and starlings but vegetable suet can also be used. Add brown twine through the middle of the egg box and hang in the trees for birds to feed off.
How to make a bird feeder from an Orange
An easy nature craft for kids is to carve out an orange and add a bird seed mixed with peanut butter or lard – birds love the sweet fruit at the end!
Easy Homemade Bird Feeders for Kids to make
How to make an Apple Bird Feeder
If you have any bruised or soft apples, you can use fill them with a bird seed and lard or peanut butter mixture to make a bird feeder that’s a proper treat for birds and fun for kids to make too! See here for further information about how to make an Apple Bird Feeder with Kids.
Easy Peanut Butter Bird Treats
Enticing birds to your garden is fun and exciting for kids. Try using this brilliant bird book to help your kids identify the birds that visit. A really easy bird feeder for kids to make is this bread and peanut butter bird treat! Preschoolers and toddlers can easily make this bird feeder! If you have some stale bread lying around, you can make these easy DIY bird feeders from Natural Beach Living by cutting the bread into shapes, spreading peanut butter and covering with bird seed. Peanut butter is a nutritious, high in fat treat for birds but if you’d prefer to make a bird feeder without peanut butter due to allergies – then you can also cover the bread with lard or vegetarian lard.
Pine Cone Bird Feeder
A similar version of a bird feeder as above but using a pine cone. Smear a pine cone with peanut butter and roll in bird seed for an easy nature birdfeeder for kids to make.
Hope these bird feeders have given you lots of ideas of some simple, easy bird feeders to make for the garden!
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NB: Some of these products were gifted for review but all opinions are my own (or my kids!).